Dallas, TX
Course Topics

Posterior Maxilla Treatment Planning
Learn various techniques for the treatment planning of the edentulous posterior maxilla

Radiographic Evaluation Of The Paranasal Sinuses
Learn and understand the normal vs. variant anatomy in the posterior maxilla

Paranasal Sinus Pathology
Learn the differential diagnosis of the various pathologic conditions in the paranasal sinuses.

Pharmacologic Intervention With Sinus Graft Procedures
Learn the use of various medications for the prophylactic and therapeutic use which Is specific for the maxillary sinus.

Lateral Wall Graft Procedures
Learn the step-by-step technique for lateral wall sinus grafting.

Crestal Approach Grafting
Learn the step-by-step technique for the osteotome (crestal) grafting approach.

Posterior Maxilla Grafting Complications
Understand the etiology, management, and prevention of posterior maxilla grafting.

Previously Recorded Surgeries
View various videotape surgical procedures.

Integrating Implants Into Your Practice
Learn how to integrate implant dentistry into your practice.
Implant Placement Lab

SA-1 Implant Placement Lab
Hands on lab for the implant placement (short/wide implant)

SA-2 Osteotome + Implant
Hands on lab for the implant placement + osteotome (crestal) technique

SA-3 Osteotome Grafting Technique
Hands-on lab for the grafting via the osteotome (crestal) technique.

SA-4 Lateral Wall Sinus Graft
Hands-on lab for the lateral wall grafting of the maxillary sinus.

Piezo Technique
Hands-on lab utilizing the piezotome for lateral wall grafting.

Membrane/Lateral Wall Elevation
Hands-on lab to simulate lateral wall preparation and membrane elevation